(c) Chantal van Rijt
First act of the trilogy IV - II - III
“The Youth of S.F.”
4² artists: Toon Boeckmans, Kamil Bouzoubaa-Grivel, Pieter Chanterie, Rosanne Claes & Ignace Wouters, Romane Claus, Aaron Daem, Pieter De Clercq, Axel Korban, Natasja Mabesoone, Benjamin Mengistu Navet, Juan Pablo Plazas, Michaela Schweighofer, Camilla Steinum, Manon van den Eeden, Ken Verhoeven
Curated by Koi Persyn (Komplot)
Graphic Design by Victor Verhelst
“My… my name is S.F., uh, but my friend Tiresias -there- calls me Swollen Foot… because of my right, for you left, limping limb” stutters the protagonist while being opposed to a polyglot bunch of same-aged fellow children. S.F. is new here, and his newness can not be left unnoticed. He wasn’t sure if anybody in the room was even understanding his Greek mother tongue, so he decided to leave the metrum behind - no verses as they were occasionally narrated by great orators.
“I like la…language”, S.F. continues while he starts tapping rhythmically with his left foot. No answer. Tiresias, his best friend who is sitting at the back of the atrium, although being close to blind, directs her wide-eyed gaze to him. Her right, for S.F. left, eye is covered with a rainbow patch. “I li…like language since the first word I ever spoke: ‘mother’. I remember my first word, bu..but not my first image, do you?” asks S.F. to every- and nobody at the same time, “Isn’t it tragic?... I think it must look like the... the colours, patterns and grids one can ‘see’ when closing eyelids. Try it! Did you know that newborns only develop a real sight after only having observed contrasts for the first four weeks of their lives. Do you remember your very first image?” No answer. Only Tiresias closed -at least- one eye. “I also like wa…walking.”
“Ok, that’s enough” says the only adult in a language that S.F. doesn’t understand, “you can go back to your place.”
“Wait, I still have a riddle for all of you: what goes on four feet in the morning…”
The adult interrupts the mystery of S.F. by leading him to the empty seat next to Tiresias.
Koi Persyn (Komplot)
︎ Open on Sat. 14:00 - 18:00
With the support of VGC and FWB.